To submit a request fill in all the required information below. Mandatory fields are marked with a asterisk (*). Please provide as much information as possible to assist us in responding to your request in a timely manner.
If the matter you are reporting is urgent or a hazardous situation that may cause physical harm to a person or property, please call Wyndham City on (03) 9742 0777.
For more assistance on submitting a request read the help guide available at right
Customer Service - Rates Notice Reprint
To select the location against which the request is to be lodged enter details to search for the required location (e.g. street name).
For residential waste requests, a specific property must be selected.
If your request does not relate to a specific property (e.g. it relates to a street, park, reserve, roundabout, median strip etc), click on the Street tab below and then search for the street. Please then provide further details about the location in the Request Details below.
After you click Search choose the required location from the results presented.
For help with searching for a location, read the the help guide available at right.
Please enter your contact details.
If you wish to submit a request anonymously, please enter "Anon" in the mandatory fields you do not wish to provide. Note, however, that in submitting a request anonymously, Council may not be able to action your request if insufficient information is included and contact details are not provided.
The personal information provided will be used by Council and its contracted service providers in servicing your request. The information is also used to identify you when communicating with Council. Council handles personal information in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. For further information View our Privacy Policy. All enquiries regarding information privacy can be directed to our Privacy Officer by emailing
Please enter at least one daytime contact number
Please provide details of your request. Please provide as much information to assist us in responding to your request as soon as possible.
If your request relates to:
- A location on a street, please provide further details such as “corner of”, “opposite”, “between”, “near”, etc
- A park, reserve, etc, please provide the name of the park/reserve here
Click Submit to lodge this request.
When your request is submitted you will receive a Request Tracking Number on screen. This is acknowledgement that Council has received your request and will be the number to quote if you want to follow up on your request.